Protection Association - Dresdner Stollen
The Dresden Baker´s guild has become sponsor and custodian of the "Original Dresden Christmas Stollen". In 1990 all commercial producers of "Dresden Christmas Stollen" united to a common representation of interests. The "Dresdner Stollenschutzverband (e.V.)" - "Protection Association for Dresden Christstollen (registered association)"
This association guaranties the consumer a steady high quality level, represented by a quality certificate, represented by an oval golden seal with the text "Dresdner Stollenschutzverband (e.V.)"

The Stollen must contain the following contents materials:
wheathflour 405 or 550, yeast, full milk or full milk powder, crystal sugar, fresh butter, candied lemon peel, candied orange peel, sultana, almonds sweetly and bitterly and/or marzipan, lemon bowl paste, salt, icing sugar, spice and liquor.
The following contents materials must be contained related to 100% flour:
- 50% fresh butter
- 65% Sultana
- 20% candied lemon peel and candied orange peel
- 15% almonds sweetly and bitterly
The camp and warranty terms amount to at least 8 weeks of the day of the production, under the following conditions:
- 12-15°C as optimal storage temperature
- 60-70% relative atmospheric humidity
...Our raisin stollen have, with 12 weeks, a clearly longer durability...